Engineering Project

Electromagnetic Levitator

An electromagnetic levitator with wireless power transfer capabilities, with the intention to levitate and power a light bulb simultaneously with no physical wires.
Project Type

Engineering Project


Personal Project

Project date




As a student, the electromagnetic levitation used in high speed trains fascinated me. This fascination inspired me to pursue this project; which implements IR phototransistors, an electromagnet, and a hardware feedback network to generate a system that levitates objects while also delivering power to whatever it levitates. My goal was to inspire a sense of wonder: a light bulb, glowing softly, held aloft without a single visible wire. It wasn't just a demonstration of physics and engineering; it's a conversation starter, a source of curiosity, and a reminder that magic can be found in the everyday. I was eventually nominated by Professor Oscar Vazquez to feature the project at UCSD’s Annual Undergraduate Research Conference. You can see the slides for this presentation by clicking the "Project Link" button below.

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